Spiritual Success Institute, Inc.

Our Materials - Health

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Airola, Paavo, N.D., Ph.D.  How to Get Well.  Sherwood, OR: Health Plus Publishers, 1974.

______.  How to Keep Slim, Healthy & Young With Juice Fasting.  Sherwood, Or: Health Plus Publishers, 1996.

Brecher, Elinor J.  “Experts Are Sounding Alarm About Job Stress.”  Greenville News 25 March 1993: 1, 11B.

Clarke, Charles S.  “Job Stress.”  CQ Researcher.  5 (1995): 683-699.

Colvert Bayly.  “Living Smart, Staying Healthy,” Taped messages.  Niles, Illinois:  Nightingale-Conant Corp., 1997.

Diamond, Harvey and Marilyn.  Fit For Life.  New York:  Warner Books, 1985.

Editors of FC&A.   Take Off 20 Pounds and 20 Years in 20 Weeks or Less, Naturally.  Peachtree City, GA:  FC&A, 1995.

______.  High Blood Pressure Lowered Naturally.   Peachtree City, GA:  FC&A, 1995.

Kirschmann, John, D.  Nutrition Almanac.  New York, NY:  McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973.

Kramer, Ann, M.Ed.  Taking Charge Of Your Nutritional Lifestyle.  Newport News, VA:  Well-Being Inc., 1992.

______.  Life Puzzle Newport News, VA:  Well-Being Inc., 1998.

Lambert, Bobbi.  “Give Your Company A Checkup.”  Personnel Journal 74 (1995: 143-9.

Malkmus, George.  Why Christians Get Sick.   Shelby, NC:   Hallelujah Acres.

______. “God’s Marvelous Self-Healing Body.”  Back to the Garden Magazine.  Shelby, NC: Hallelujah Acres, 1999.

______. “How To Eliminate Sickness.”  Taped messages.   Shelby, NC:  Hallelujah Acres.

McLaughlin, Peter.  “Unlimited Energy” Tape series.  Niles, Illinois:  Nightingale-Conant Corp, 1996.

McMillen, S.I. M.D.  None Of These Diseases.  Old Tappan, NJ:  Fleming H. Revell Co., 1986.

Omartian, Stormie.  Greater Health God’s Way.  Eugene, OR:  Harvest House Publisher, 1996.

Roloff, Evang. Lester.  Food, Fasting & Faith.  Corpus Christi, TX:  Family Altar Publishers, 1997.

Smith, J. Harold.  Fast Your Way To Health. Nashville, TN:  Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1979.

“Stress and Type ‘A’ Behavior.”  Stress.  Sept./Oct. 1987: 1-2.

Stuberg, Robert.  The 12 Life Secrets.  Book & taped messages.  Niles, Illinois:  Nightingale-Conant Corp, 1997.

The Body in Action.  New York, NY:  Golden Press, 1962.  (Text adapted by Ann Reit).

“The Cost of Stress.”  Success.  March 1995: 19.

Wallach, Joel D, BS, DVM, ND.   “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie,” taped message, 1995.

Wallis, Arthur.  God’s Chosen Fast.  Fort Washington, PA:  Christian Literature Crusade, 1968.

Watkins, Don.  Science 4 For Christian Schools. Greenville, SC:  B.J.U. Press, 1998.

Weiss, Rick.  “Reactions To Prescribed Drugs Kill 100,000 a Year,” Greenville News:  Greenville, SC, April 15, 1998.

Whitaker, Julian Dr.   Health & Healing.  Articles from his monthly papers.  Potomac, MD:  Phillips Publishing, Inc. 1995.

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